Website Contents...

The information presented here has been put together from the research and knowledge of Robert Waterhouse, the Tamar Mining Group and the Morwellham Archaeological Group (2002-2010). If you disagree with any of the conclusions reached, or spot any factual inaccuracies, please , and we will endeavour to correct these.

The subjects covered by this website are fully indexed below, each entry links directly to the relevant article.
The main categories are:

Note! All of the pictures shown within this website will display a larger version at a higher resolution when clicked...

§ Manufacturing Industries (Brick Making, Ore Processing, Cloth Making, Limeburning and Foundries)
§ Mining (Surface and Underground)
§ Power (Water and Steam)
§ Transport (River, Canal and Rail)
§ Case Studies (Morwellham, Tavistock Canal, DGC railway and quays)
§ Further Reading (Bibliography and References)
§ Website Features (MAG, Links, Gallery and Gazetteer)